Thursday, August 18, 2011

Urban Remedy Cleanse Day 2

Woke up feeling pretty good.  Not the ‘raving awesomeness’ that you would expect, but then I haven’t been sleeping so well with hubby away. My skin is clear, and my lips aren’t chapped, for once, however my body has an odour to it that makes me a little glad that hubby isn’t around to smell it!

Juice 1 -  I mixed my unflavoured Fish Oil and a cranberry capsule into this one today. I have to admit that this is my least favourite juice, and I am not sure how I will go having this one another three times! I don’t hate it though...I just find it a bit...pulpy and grassy. I also feel a little unsatisfied after it today, in a way that I wasn’t yesterday. Perhaps I drank it too fast? I can’t wait until 10am comes so I can drink the coconut water!
Juice 2 – I like this much better today, and rather than trying to imagine it as food, I gulp it down as you would an apple juice. I actually have it a bit later than planned, as I was caught up in an osteopath appointment, but while I am starving as I drink it; it feels like barely any time at all until it is time to have my luncheon soup.
Juice 3 – Mmmm. I really am a fan of this soup! It is just a little too much to fit into my large soup mug or one of the bowls in the office, so rather than struggle with an over-full bowl I put 3/4s of it into my mug and drink the rest cold. I know, I know, potentially gross, however my family often had deliberately cold soup during summer, so it wasn’t so bad.
Juice 4 – Celery goodness and so refreshing! Although, my tummy is still gurgling quite hungrily.
Juice 5 – Again, I split this into two mugs of ‘tea’ substitute...and busy myself doing housework while I drink them both, just to pass the time. By the time 5.30 comes around I am starving and dying to have a proper dinner....instead I have a reaaaaalllly long and hot shower and think about how great I feel.
Juice 6 – I heat the first half of this, but although I finish it, it really doesn’t hit the spot and i wish I had saved the whole drink cold. I splash the rest of it over some ice-cubes and sip it slowly as I watch Home and Away. I go to bed early in order to stop thinking about yummy food options.
Ive drank lots of peppermint tea today, and only one green tea. I need to buy a new water bottle for work and hopefully up my water intake a little...

1 comment:

  1. I've heard about this and would love to do it!! But they only have this available in Sydney and Melbourne don't they? Hope it works for you and can't wait to hear more about it xx
